I put in my two-week notice 7 years ago. In one of the last emails to my team, I shared my top 10 personal codes for success. Here it is again without edits.

My top 10 practices for success

  1. BE PRESENT! Smile or say hi when passing someone in the office or when running errands. It makes you more visible, spreads positive energy, and may create a relationship that will benefit you in your journey to success.
  2. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: You can never be overdressed. Dress for where you want to be and not where you are at. Presenting the best version of you creates more opportunities.
  3. GROWTH: Be receptive to feedback and change instead of taking things personally. Learn where you can improve and move forward. Challenges and obstacles are opportunities for growth.
  4. HUMILITY: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also remember to share the success with your team when it knocks on your door with confetti.
  5. INTEGRITY: Whatever you do, make sure you would do it even if broadcast live from The Today Show. Someone is always observing your interactions even if not directly commenting. Do the right thing all the time, even when it is difficult.
  6. LEADERSHIP: Help others become leaders. Your team is a reflection of you. Set high expectations for your team to live up to. Think the best of them and speak encouragingly. If you are a team member, how can you make your manager’s job easier?
  7. RELATIONSHIPS: You are the sum of those surrounding you. Choose your friends and associates wisely. Don’t participate in gossip. Associate with those that you can learn from and those that will push you to do better.
  8. RISK: Always remain curious and take risks. One of my biggest mentors told me that it is easier to beg for forgiveness than ask permission. She also gave me these guidelines: make sure that it is legal, ethical, and won’t cost your company money. Be innovative and think outside the box. How can you help improve your circumstances?
  9. TECHNOLOGY: 75% of your technical issues are resolved by simply rebooting your computer, iPad, or smartphone.
  10. WORK ETHIC: COMMIT TO EXCELLENCE: Doing the best with where you are at now, prepares you for better opportunities in the future.

Original post, HERE

Melissa Kay Jones - Blog - 10 Practices for Success
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