In life, there are winners and losers. Both roles provide opportunities to learn. To learn about yourself, those around you, and the game. It is important to respect the outcome of the game. To show integrity, regardless of how others may act. As a leader, how will you show up tomorrow?

Integrity (noun): adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished:to preserve the integrity of the empire.a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition:the integrity of a ship’s hull.


Our integrity is shown by how we respond to the outcome. Integrity respects the outcome of the game. It doesn’t gloat or sulk. Integrity doesn’t belittle the participants or results. When you challenge the results, you plant a seed of distrust in all who watch. Distrust doesn’t make you a winner. Instead, it discourages people from participating in the game.

Our response sets up the playing field for the next game. People watching our response will either join us or work against us. This applies to your office, team, industry, neighborhood, and the local community. Create opportunities for people to join you and cheer for you.

24-Hour Rule

One of my mentors taught me about the 24-hour rule. The rule allows you to embrace the emotions that come with the outcome of the game for 24 hours. If you won, enjoy and celebrate the victory. If you lost, feel sad, frustrated, angry, disappointed, etc.

Your feelings are there to guide us but not rule our actions. If you ride the high of winning, you will become complacent. Complacency stunts your growth and blinds you to weaknesses. If you ride the low of losing it creates bitterness and resentment. Bitterness robs you of your joy and peace. It robs you of the energy to create goodness and move forward. Once the 24 hours has expired, focus on your next move. 

Moving Forward

As a leader, how you choose to move forward sets the tone for those around you. What energy are you bringing to the room? Are you stoking fear or curiosity? Fear is irrational. It divides people. Curiosity encourages learning. It brings people together to learn about themselves, those around them, and how to do better together.

Melissa Kay Jones - Tips - Respect the Outcome (1)

Leading with love, compassion, and grace breaks down people’s protective walls. It creates room for others to grow and you as well. Live the values you want to see in your team, community, and country. 

Signature - Shine Bright, Melissa K. Jones (1)

Your Turn

What values will you lead with? Share in the comments below.


